Join Refractive Surgery Alliance


Physicians & Surgeons, Ophthalmology Fellows, Residents, & Medical Students, and Doctors of Philosophy, if you share our passion for vision correction procedures and refractive surgery,  we invite you to join the Refractive Surgery Alliance. You will share your experience, grow your practice, inspire the next generation of refractive surgeons and participate in the advancement of the expanding field of refractive surgery procedures and where vision correction surgery is primary care for vision correction.



Physicians & Surgeons,
Ophthalmology Fellows, Residents, Medical Students,& Doctors of Philosophy
Membership Application


For Physicians & Surgeons, Ophthalmology Fellows, Residents, Medical Students, & Doctors of Philosophy

On All 7 Continents

Who Share a Passion for Vision Correction Procedures

Who want to Collaborate and Educate

And Inspire the Next Generation of Refractive Leaders…

Join Us!




An Overview of the Refractive Surgery Alliance