Andres Benatti, MD

Andres Benatti, MD is a cornea and refractive surgeon in Cordoba, Argentina. In 2015, he was identified by the Argentinian Council of Ophthalmology as one of the prominent young ophthalmologists of Argentina and in 2017 was featured as surgeon of the month by the International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS). By the same time, in 2017, Dr. Benatti was elected the 10th young ophthalmology of the Top 50 Rising Stars Power List.

He is a co-founder of the international corneal ectasia study group, Apectasias, and, the first Latin-American web platform for ophthalmologists that offers news and online ophthalmology educational content.

Dr. Benatti has completed his ophthalmology residency in Argentina and then completed an External Ocular Disease fellowship and a Cornea and Refractive Surgery fellowship in the Asociacion para Evitar la Ceguera (APEC), one of the largest eye hospitals in Mexico City. Finally, he moved to San Diego, California for almost two years to achieve a Cornea and Refractive Surgery International Fellow at UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute.

Benatti dedicates part of his time to philanthropic work. He regularly still working with the Asociacion para Evitar la Ceguera (APEC) and also supports, as an external advisor, the Ojos Para Mi Pais Foundation. In 2019 co-launched a non-profit organization, the Argentinian Foundation Against Blindness and InLab, an Eye Innovation Social Lab.

Dr. Benatti practices snowboard and running. He also loves to spend time with friends and family


Cordoba Eye Clinic


BV. Chacabuco, 1154

Cordoba, 5000 ARGENTINA

Telephone +54.351.345.2413

Email –

About:  Andres Benatti, MD Bio