Fabian Mönnink, MD

Fabian Mönnink, MD has been part of the sehkraft Augenzentrum Köln medical team since 2018. For Dr. Mönnink, vision/sight is one of the most important human senses – which is why he is now completing his residency as an ophthalmologist and refractive surgeon. Dr. Mönnink’s focus is on patients with refractive-related issues or wishes. Patients with keratoconus problems are also in good hands with him.

The chance to learn more about the latest technologies in ophthalmology in a leading refractive center finally brought Dr. Mönnink to sehkraft in Köln. The extensive expertise of the surgeons at sehkraft Augenzentrum Köln in the field of refractive surgery convinced him to take the next step of his residency in Köln. In doing so, he not only has the opportunity to apply his experience and the large repertoire of knowledge but also to continuously expand and deepen it.


sehkraft Augenzentrum Köln


Wolfsstraße 16

Köln, North Rhine Westfalia 50667 Germany

Telephone +49.221.860.16.0

Email – Moennink@sehkraft.de

About:  Fabian Mönnink, MD Bio