Alexander Soon, MD, FRCSC

Alexander Soon MD FRCSC is a comprehensive ophthalmologist practicing in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. He obtained his Doctor of Medicine at McMaster University, and went on to complete his residency training in ophthalmology at the University of Western Ontario; Ivey Eye Institute. He also completed a fellowship in Ocular Pathology at the Ottawa Eye Institute and participates in resident education as an associate professor at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Dr. Soon aims to provide patients with personalized eye care that meets the specific needs of each and every patient. He has a keen interest in refractive surgery and presbyopia-correcting lenses. Dr. Soon incorporates toric, multifocal, and extended-depth-of-focus intra-ocular lenses in his practice, as well as keratorefractive procedures. He hopes to continuously expand his surgical and refractive armamentarium to better serve his community.


Eye Specialists of Northern Ontario


3204 – 107 Shirreff Avenue

North Bay, ON P1B7K8 Canada

Telephone – 705-495-2212

Email –

About: Alexander Soon, MD, FRCSC Bio